CN Post (LTI)

Transform your learning community with engaging social discussions

Say goodbye to the limitations of traditional LMS threaded discussion tools. With CN Post, learners have access to a dynamic and immersive discussion experience that feels like they are using their favorite social media platform. The social learning features highlight Facebook-like post and polling tools, empowered by gamification features such as Anar Seeds and digital badges to enhance learning engagement. Learners can not only share ideas and opinions but also expand their network with students taking similar courses globally, forming meaningful connections that last a lifetime.

CN Post offers social learning functionalities to any open source and commercial LMS via LTI plugin. Institutions using an LMS such as Moodle, Canvas, D2L, Blackboard, etc., can quickly and easily add the CN Post plugin into LMS courses. The direct integration provides benefits of easy account creation and data exchange, it offers a revolutionary approach to threaded discussions that combines the best of social media and traditional learning management systems.

Unlike traditional LMS discussion tools that delete content after the course ends, CN Post content remains accessible even after the class has ended. Learners can maintain their ePortfolios, course posts, and network connections for life, building a valuable digital footprint that can be used to showcase their skills and accomplishments to potential employers.

AI-Powered agent for discussion facilitation

Elevate student-centered online discussions with our AI-powered smart learning agent and advanced automation. This tool provides thought-provoking automated reflections on posts that have not been responded to, labels posts with automated hashtagging, and synthesizes unread discussions into concise summaries, boosting participation and critical thinking.

Cultivate student-centered learning

Incentivize student participation and course engagement through CN's homegrown, innovative badge engine. Award course badges in just three clicks!

Make learning fun with gamified features

Students collect Anar Seeds (points) while participating in a variety of discussion activities in CN Post. The gamified experience adds fun and positive peer competition to learning. The course Anar Seeds can also be passed back to LMS GradeBook for automated grading.

Incentivize students with digital badges

Incentivize student participation and recognize accomplishment through CN's innovative badge engine. Instructors can award badges, such as Best Posts, Best Participant, and self-created badges in just a few clicks!

We have what all other online discussion tools offers but more..

Affordable Licenses for Institutions

We offer institutional licenses for an annual fee based on the number of users. Contact to request more information.

Want to see what CN can do for your institution?

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