Eswatini Visit and New Ed-tech Collaboration

by CourseNetworking - March 10, 2022

The CourseNetworking (CN) team is thrilled to announce a new collaboration between CN and the University of Eswatini along with the Royal Science Technology Park ! Our new partners from Eswatini will set out to apply the innovative CN teaching and learning technology across their country by using our social LMS, ePortfolio, and other tools and features. The Eswatini delegation group visited IUPUI CyberLab, the R&D lab of the CN project, on March 8-10. The delegation group members included:

Chairman of Council, University of Eswatini
Chief Executive Officer, Royal Science and Technology Park
Vice Chancellor, University of Eswatini
Head of Computer Science, University of Eswatini
Head of IT, University of Eswatini
Acting Head of PISA, Royal Science and Technology Park

The members of the delegation group received comprehensive training about the CN platform. They gained first-hand experiences using unique CN features such as ePortfolio, academic networking, Pathway LMS, and learning gamification features. The leadership was excited about the new opportunities that the CN technology will give to their students and faculty. Both institutions will select faculty members to pilot the platform as the first step of the collaboration. There will also be teaching collaborations between both Eswatini institutions and IUPUI.